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“Wow!  This is going to be wonderfully helpful information!  I can’t wait to start implementing!  I am feeling incredibly charged and energized!  Thank you!”  Jen B., 3rd Grade

“This was the most useful workshop I have been to.  I got more ideas for the problems I am experiencing than all the workshops I have been to combined.  I really enjoyed the interactive part and the humor you brought to the presentation.  You’re an excellent presenter and provide a great service to teachers.”  Christie M., High School

“Fantastic!  So much stuff I could use I ran out of time to write!  Loved the fact that you gave examples for use in all grades.  I would attend any workshops you gave here!  Thanks so much!”  Erica M., 1st Grade

"Best workshop I’ve been to.  'Real' practical ideas and strategies delivered with humor and professionalism.  Validated all emotions of (struggling) teachers.  Very positive and motivating.  Great analogies and metaphors.  Kept my interest all day!  Rick is fabulous!” Susan W., 6th Grade

“Realistic scenarios, timely injections of humor; sensitivity to various levels/grades.  Very valuable/useful presentation!!”  Anon Middle School

“This was probably the best workshop I have ever participated in.  Informative, useful, and based on research.  The presenter is knowledgable and entertaining – a very powerful combination.”  Barbara C., Mentor Teacher

“You gave me some wonderful, helpful ideas I can share immediately, and over time.  After 27 years you’ve helped me learn more!”  Cara K.,  Elementary Principal


E liminate power struggles with your most challenging students

D iffuse discipline problems by engaging learners and fostering a culture of collaboration

ncover your "teacher presence" while reducing stress

C reate lessons that are meaningful and relevant and make students want to learn keeping them focused on learning

ppreciate your craft at a deeper level

horoughly prepare to teach, either before school starts or "on the fly"

E nergize and invigorate teaching and learning experiences


Conscious Classroom Management II makes visible the invisible elements of effective classroom management and provides teachers, regardless of grade, experience, or student population, with effective tools to start improving tomorrow. This fully updated edition is even more powerful, more practical, and more user-friendly than the original, with more step-by-step help for new teachers, and more support for administrators, professors, and teacher leaders. 

“This book is a gold mine of practical suggestions for managing classrooms effectively.” 

-Rick Curwin, Ed.D Author of Discipline with Dignity

“With compassion and humor, Rick and Grace provide deep insight and practical details for what it takes to be a successful teacher.” 

-Wendy Baron, New Teacher Center Co-Founder, Chief Officer for Social and Emotional Learning.

 This session will make your job easier by learning how to:  EDUCATE

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