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The Instructor Professional Development Plan consists of two segments:


1. 2018 PROGRAM PLANNING: In the spring, instructors will participate in two planning meetings to research and discuss resources (learning materials, coordination with Indian/Pakistani partners, invited experts) needed to implement the 2018 program in accordance with the program theme and to develop a working document to inform curricular planning.As part of the 2017 Teacher Extended Learning Program, instructors also met in September after the Student Summer Program to debrief on what was learned from the 2017 program and to establish the 2018 program theme and recruitment plan

2. LESSON STUDY: Instructors will engage in an initial "cycle of lesson study" (taking place over a 3-month period through weekly onsite or online meetings prior to the start of the Student Program) during which time they work collaboratively to develop and refine each lesson in preparation for actual teaching of the lesson.

During the program, they will continue the “cycle of lesson study” as they obtain data on how well each lesson works based on level of student interest and engagement, student outcomes and feedback from the director/pedagogy coach. After each lesson, they will analyze data collected and determine how the lesson and teaching/facilitating of the lesson might be modified to make it more effective.

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